Friday, October 12, 2007

Lace, Mark 1

The next thing I got overexcited about was lace. I started this lace shawl in May of 2006 and finished it in September. I did a lot of the knitting while I was on a leave of absence from work because my mom was sick - it's amazing how much knitting you can do while sitting in a bedroom.

This is the classic Pi Shawl designed by Elizabeth Zimmerman, in Knitpicks Shadow (color Vineyard). I knitted it on a wide variety of needles, all US size 8. Most of it was done on two Bryspun circs, one 16 inches and one 24 inches, but there was a part there in the middle when the shawl got too big for the 16" needle but my 24" hadn't arrived in the mail, so I did a few inches on a Susan Bates Silvalume number that was a complete horror. I love the Susan Bates metal crochet hooks, but whatever coating they have on their metal circs is nasty and sticky. Also, the points were way too blunt for lacework - the Bryspun needles have a dished profile that was my very favorite until Knitpicks came out with their Options needles and gave me a whole new addiction.


Alison said...

Oh, that's gorgeous!

--AlisonH at

J Sews said...

Wow, that is AWESOME! I'm getting tempted. Bought 2 EZ's books last year, had knitted for 40 years and never heard of her, which is sad! Appreciate hearing on knitlist that it was only about $10 worth of yarn for such a piece of art! Congratulations!